We provide all treatments required for both primary teeth and permanent teeth.
Children are referred to Happyteeth because a dental problem already exists or there is a high risk of dental problems developing.
Our main focus is on efficiently dealing with any existing problems and then preventing any further decay is paramount. At the end of treatment in our clinic we aim for your child to be decay free, enjoy attending the dentist and have a positive attitude towards their oral health.
🦷 Preventive treatments
🦷 Treatment of Decay
🦷 Oral Surgery
🦷 Cosmetic dentistry
🦷 Trauma Management
🦷 Sedation & General Anaesthetic
Some children may find dentistry difficult to cope with, either due to their developmental stage or complexity of the procedure required.
In these situations we can provide treatment using Nitrous Oxide inhalation sedation or under General Anaesthetic. Inhalation sedation and general anaesthetic treatments are carried out in the Hermitage Medical Clinic and we also carry out general anaesthetic procedures in the Blackrock Clinic. We have a fantastic medical team looking after our little patients on their general anaesthetic journey, led by a Consultant paediatric anaesthesiologist.