The most important thing to remember is that teeth need
it is not just what you eat but when & how often you eat
It is impossible to cut out all treats but with a few changes our teeth can be much happier…
- Decrease the frequency of eating
- Avoid snacks between meals
- Replace snacks with healthy alternatives
- Keep treats to meal times
- Eat treats all in one go, not slowly over time
- Avoid treats that last a long time e.g. jellies & lollipops! Chocolate doesn’t last quite as long. Raisins stick like toffee in teeth – beware!
- Finish off meals with water, cheese or milk
- Milk & water are the only really tooth-safe drinks. Even ‘no added sugar’ juices contain natural sugars – careful!
- Water only after the night-time brush – not milk
- Sugar-free chewing gum is great for making saliva: Saliva is great for teeth!